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Scientific staff of the chairs offering recurrent lectures and lectures with teaching assignment

All persons listed in professors and habilitated members of the Mathematical Institute offer regularly lectures. In this compilation only those persons are listed who offer recurrent lectures and are not listed on the web page mentioned before.

Lecturer (scientific staff with corresponding chair)Lecture topics
Dr. Robert Baierprogramming courses (procedural and object-oriented programming with C++), computer-aided mathematics, ...
Edgar Hönigerlectures at the chair of Mathematics and Didactics
Dr. Carsten Millerlectures at the chair of Mathematics and Didactics
Dr. Wolfgang Neidhardtlectures for students in teaching mathematics at secondary/junior high schools (Realschule) and grammar/high schools (Gymnasium) as well as for the second subject "mathematics" in the bachelor and master study "Berufliche Bildung – Fachrichtung Metalltechnik" ["Education in Professions – Specialization in Metallurgy]
Lecturers with teaching assignments and further lecturers
(with corresponding chair)
Lecture topics
Dr. Edith Geigant
Preparatory Course for the State Examination in Calculus [Staatsexamenskurs Analysis], Center for Learning [Lernzentrum]
PD Dr. habil. Ralf KaiserMathematics for Physicists II-IV, Partial Differential Equations I-II, The Equations of Euler and Navier-Stokes I-II, Semi-Riemannian Geometry and Einstein's Gravitational Theory I-IV
Dr. Ulrike PeternellFundamental Principles in Mathematics for Physicists/Mathematics for Physicists I-II, Calculus I-II [Analysis I-II] (Mathematics in Education for secondary and job-training schools [Lehramt nicht vertieft])

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